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  1. Political correctness und Gendersprache in Medien und Wissenschaft (Political correctness and gender language in media and science).Steffen M. Diebold - 2024 - Aufklärung Und Kritik 31 (3):215-217.
    Public discourse is increasingly characterized by a climate of intolerance, a culture of exclusion (cancel culture) and thinking in categories of political correctness. (German) language is systematically manipulated by public broadcasting in line with a gender political agenda. A more and more uncritical and ideologically coloured trend journalism is on the rise there. The Freedom and quality of science are also methodically undermined due to nonproven and populist claims. -/- Der Öffentliche Diskurs ist zunehmend geprägt von einem Klima der Intoleranz, (...)
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  2. Strukturelles Staatsversagen - Plädoyer für Kompetenz.Steffen M. Diebold - forthcoming - Aufklärung and Kritik.
    Nowadays, hardly anything works as it should in Germany. Whether energy supply, digitization, health, pension or infrastructure. More and more often, serious consequences of wrong strategic decisions and an increasingly ideologically shaped dilettantism are becoming visible: Purchasing power and prosperity are dwindling, taxes and fees are increasing, regulative proliferation and bureaucracy are hostile to innovation and a todays shrinking middle class must always harder fight to prevent its own decline as well as not to leave worse conditions to the next (...)
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  3. Corona - Wahn oder Wissenschaft? : Plädoyer für Vernunft (Corona - Delusion or Science? : Plea for reason).Steffen M. Diebold - 2022 - Aufklärung Und Kritik 29 (4):172-188.
    The corona pandemic poses major challenges for society. Many people lack (basic) scientific knowledge. They are skeptical and distrust fundamental research principles and concepts. Esotericism and superstition replace them access to reality. -/- Not only facts are recently considered "alternative". Pseudo-scientific healing methods and occult procedures have long been presented to the public as equivalent alternatives to modern medicine, despite the lack of evidence of their effectiveness. Just as if reason or nonsense were just a question of personal taste, a (...)
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  4. Krise - Welche Krise (Wissenschafts-Essay).Steffen M. Diebold - 2022 - Laborjournal 28 (7/8):16-19.
    Zum Coronavirus grassier(t)en allerlei obskure Theorien und Mythen. Viele halten es für harmlos. Manche argumentier(t)en bei der Sterblichkeit gar mit einer Zyklischen Welle: Es träfe vor allem jene, die in einem halben Jahr sowieso (an was auch immer) gestorben wären. Im Falle von Coronamaßnahmen würde deren Tod im Folgejahr lediglich nachgeholt. Das ist natürlich mehr als zynisch: Wer will das einem Menschen im Pflegeheim beibringen? Wer maßt sich die Entscheidung darüber an, ob es sich für einen Anderen lohnt, noch ein (...)
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  5. Der Machtaspekt - Ein kritischer Beitrag zur Alltagserfahrung (The aspect of power - A critical contribution to experiences in everyday life).Steffen M. Diebold - 2004 - Aufklärung Und Kritik 1:14-35.
    The quest for power is an unacknowledged central motive of human action and behaviour. Considering social relationships power structures meet daily and ubiquitous both in the private and in the public domain. They determine our life, limit our personal development and influence our thinking and experiences in everyday life. Knowledge, money, position, prestige, office and dignities, access to information, networks and teams, fortunes and much more essentially are convertible currencies of power. Some examples given in this text may illustrate the (...)
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